Online Stores

"Buyers Beware"

I remember that warning for buyers that I learned way back in college. I think it is applicable now that I am quite fond of looking at online stores, and attempted to buy from one of the gadget stores my sister recommended because she got her camera from it.

My boyfriend wants to buy a new cellular phone, so I recommended this online store (will no longer name it) because it offers cheap but good quality gadgets. Name it, and this store has it. We picked a Sony Ericsson phone, and texted the seller to ask for availability. As a standard procedure, he asked us to give a 500 peso deposit as a goodwill reservation fee, and we complied to it. Unfortunately, that time, he said, the model we want is out of stock.

A week passed, and the seller informed us that there is a model available already, but it has a higher price due to service and parts warranty. It was a thousand pesos more than what we want. So, my boyfriend decided to just wait until we can have the original order.

Three weeks passed already, and I received a text message from the seller afternoon of today. He said that our original order is already available, BUT, we have to add 4oopesos more because the price increased. I was very disappointed by his text because it was kind of unfair to pay more than the price we reserved three weeks back. He should have considered the fact that we reserved it and paid the goodwill money, and waited for the availability of his product. I told him that it is unfair because we were even lead to believe that he has items available, because it is posted in his website.

Bottomline, we decided to refund the goodwill money. It was not a good deal at all. Having to wait that long, and to be paying more than what we reserved for.

It is a very valuable lesson to be very wise in buying things, especially online, because a good deal for one, may not be for another.

It was too bad! *sigh*


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