This is the story of me and my ex's gf so-called "war"

Good Friend... Better Enemy...

Friends are those who you rely on. They are there when you need them and when you just want to have fun. I was said to be a good friend, and I believe that I do my best to win the trust of my friends. I do my best to take care of the friendship, and I never do things that will ever destroy the bond made. The worst thing that happened to me, that I never expected, is to have a "so- called" friend turned against me. Well, what should I expect, we live different lives now, and we never met again since then. The one I am referring to is my ex- boyfriend, Joash. Eventhough we never made it as lovers, we remained friends. He still called me, and asked if I was ok. I was updated of every relationship he had, and I was always there to remind him how to take care of his relationships. He had a lot of failed relationships and him having another girlfriend is not new to me anymore. I always tell him how stupid he is because he always does crazy things, and because of that, I thought I am doing great in keeping our friendship strong. Then came the day when he introduced me to her latest girlfriend. I really don't care of who she is, I didn't even told her that I was an ex, I told her I am his bf"s friend. My ex was the one who told her that we had a relationship before. Well, I became decent to her, I chat with her, and told her about some things that me and his bf had shared before, like some memories. I never thought that she was getting jealous of me. That jealousy of her made her a monster! =p haha! She did things that really hurt me and annoyed me! Until now, me and my "ex-friend" never talked again, he believed the "made-up stories" his gf did to me, and he was sooooo foolish himself. They really got to my nerves, and that is enough reason not to forgive them forever. That's the worst part of being too much of a nice friend, though you gave your trust fully, in the end, you'll be the one to be turned against to. My friend became my worst enemy, and that is also what I will be to him. So the lesson, we should not trust easily, for there are a lot of unworthy people around. We should always remember that true friends are the hardest to find, so if you have one already, cherish it, never destroy it...


Tannix Keyvs said…
Trust is essential. If it breaks, everything else follows.

Your friends are here for you. Remember that. And you know who they are.
jon alberto said…
"Pick your friends carefully and don't give your trust easily. People who are given the most trust are usually those who betray you in the end."
~Prof. Cabrera~
jon alberto said…
...yata...i'm not sure kung sino nagsabi nun....basta isa sa mga acctg prof ko nuon...
:-) ngatz!

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