Q AND A again...

1. whose picture is it that u keep on
ur wallet?
- wala picture... hehe.. bka mawala eh...

2. what time do u go to bed?
- 12pm.. after work.. haha...

3. what was the last thing u did b4
filling this
- posted a previous blog entry... hehe

4. who's the one u always meet the
- officemates...

5. who's the person ur gonna call if u
need help?
- mom...

6. what's on ur mind just now?
- none. haha.

7. who's number on ur speed dial?
- i dont use speed dialing

8.with whom do u wanna have fun?
- friends and family

9. what's the latest movie?
- 300...

10.when was the last time u went out?
- March 10, 2007

11. what/who do u hate the most for
- isang officemate...

12. when was the first time u slept
- wala ako katabi sa kama eh...

13. what do u wanna do for now?
- browse the web...

14. what do u do for everyday besides
eat and
- work...

15. fave pet?
- dog lang...

17. colors that make u happy?
- pink and red...

18. most fave in ur room?
- bed...

19. what was the last thing u bought
for ur room?
- wala ako matandaan.. hehe

20. any instruments in ur room?
- none

21. do u cook?
- definitely...

22. miss someone?
- yeah

23. plan to buy something?
- gift for my dad...

24. are u satisfied with ur life now?
- hindi pa...

25.do u like seafood?
- yeah

26. breakfast or dinner?
- i call my dinner, breakfast eh... haha!

27. what do u usually eat for
- rice...

28. did u eat breakfast today?
- yes...

29. do u recycle?
- no :P

30. do u have a laptop?
- no...

31. what's ur favorite fast food?
- chef d angelo?!

32. cats or dogs?
- dogs

33. salty or sweet?
- sweet...

34. city or country?
- city

35. what's ur favorite kind of cake?
- chocolate cake!

36. Is kissing normal for our age?
- when you are committed...

37. are u athletic?
- before.. hehe

38. do u swear?
- yes... sa mga stupid callers...

39. would u ditch your friends for a
- why not!? hehe

41. what do u wear to bed?
- pambahay

42. ever had a crush on a teacher?
- aba syempre!

43. coke or pepsi?
- coke

44. sugar or spice?
- spice

45. can u use chopsticks?
- nope.. hehe

46. do u like to read for pleasure?
- depends...

47. do u care about getting good

48. have u ever fallen asleep in class?
- antok lang...

49. get a job or ask ur parents for
- get a job

50. is ur dad strict?
- tama lang... protective, that's how i can describe it...


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